- Leren in het communicatieve zelfsturingssysteem vereist een model van de kenner, ofwel van de mens in het leerproces waaruit het leren zichzelf stuurt; de communicatieve stabiliteitslaag in de cultuur is recursief. In zijn uit 1974 daterende nobelprijs-biografie neemt Lorenz afstand van zijn in nazi-terminologie vervat schrijven inzake de gevaren van domesticatie. Daarmee laat Lorenz zien dat hij niet alleen verstand heeft van ganzen, maar ook wat het is om mens te zijn. In zijn uit 1974 daterende Nobelprijs-biografie schrijft Lorenz onder meer: He (Nico Tinbergen) certainly was the driving force in a series of experiments which we conducted on the egg-rolling response of the Greylag goose when he stayed with us in Altenberg for several months in the summer of 1937. The same individual geese on which we conducted these experiments, first aroused my interest in the process of domestication. They were F1 hybrids of wild Greylags and domestic geese and they showed surprising deviations from the normal social and sexual behaviour of the wild birds. I realised that an overpowering increase in the drives of feeding as well as of copulation and a waning of more differentiated social instincts is characteristic of very many domestic animals. I was frightened - as I still am - by the thought that analogous genetical processes of deterioration may be at work with civilized humanity. Moved by this fear, I did a very ill-advised thing soon after the Germans had invaded Austria: I wrote about the dangers of domestication and, in order to be understood, I couched my writing in the worst of nazi-terminology. I do not want to extenuate this action. I did, indeed, believe that some good might come of the new rulers. The precedent narrow-minded catholic regime in Austria induced better and more intelligent men than I was to cherish this naive hope. Practically all my friends and teachers did so, including my own father who certainly was a kindly and humane man. None of us as much as suspected that the word "selection", when used by these rulers, meant murder. I regret those writings not so much for the undeniable discredit they reflect on my person as for their effect of hampering the future recognition of the dangers of domestication.
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